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A Great day in the life of SUPERHEROES

By January 28, 2013August 21st, 2017No Comments
Wipl team @ desert trails

Wipl team @ desert trails

Some moments bring us back to life, it was one such moment for all of us at WIPL ( Web Hosting company in India) as we planned our Annual Fun Outing on 26th January. The purpose of the  visit was to develop team spirit, team bonding and of course to have lots of fun. As we consider WIPL as an organization of Web Hosting Superheroes, the venue for the visit had to be somewhere where we all could put our abilities to test, hence we chose an adventurous spot called the Desert Trail.

We started our day with a friendly cricket match. We divided ourselves into 2 teams named the Daredevils and the Warriors. The Warriors won with a score of 122 runs in just 10 overs. Yeah! We need to give a serious thought to register ourselves for the IPL, can be a tough competition any day.

The next sport that we could lay our hands on was “Artificial River Crossing”. It was one such adventure where one feels alive, juggling between fear and anxiety, to do it or not, was on everyone’s mind. But as they say, Superheroes never give up, we all took that risk of going ahead with the task and complete it. Where on one hand people completed this task in 3-4 minutes we had some very swift people who completed it in just 2 minutes. Glad to mention that some of them were girls.

We could also sneak out some great pictures and captured some great moments together. In a break of half an hour we all took a deep look at the scenic beauty of the great venue. Desserts could not be any beautiful.

After the lunch break we all set ourselves for the “Tug-of-War”. In the very first go, the two team ripped the rope into halves, displaying the strength of Superheroes we equally possess. But in the end we had the winner team.

As the dusk started setting in, we wanted to utilize the time having a toast of hot cup of tea and coffee accompanied with some yummy cookies. And as it happens in a well bonded family, we all too shared our personal experiences about the day. A little giggles here and there, and some great jokes being cracked we had a great laughter. The cherry on the cake was the CEO’s consideration towards each and every member of the team, be it motivating during the tasks or keeping the atmosphere light and healthy, full of energy he really made us all have a memorable day. We feel that it is Unity that makes us a Successful Team.

We ended the day on a high note. Tired and worn out physically but rejuvenated and invigorated within because we all experienced this thing called life. Yes, that’s what we call a great day in the life of SUPERHEROES.

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