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How to migrate Joomla website from Linux to windows server

By September 28, 2013September 9th, 2017No Comments

How to migrate Joomla website from Linux to windows server

Microsoft is teaming up with the Joomla Community to make using Joomla on Windows easier. Microsoft along with its hosting partners is working to make hosting Joomla on Windows a great choice for everyone. If you also wish to migrate/ transfer your Joomla website hosted on a Linux server to Windows server, you may use the following steps:

Step 1: Files Backup Using CPanel

If you have CPanel installed, log in and click on the Backups icon.

Next, click on the “Home Directory” button under Download a Home Directory Backup. You may have to wait a little till you are prompted to download the backup.

Step 2: MySQL Backup

The second step is to back up the database of your site, so that you do not lose it dusting the migration process. For this: • Log in to your phpMyAdmin account.

• To export the whole database click on the Export link.

• Select your database from the Export list, tick “Add DROP TABLE / DROP VIEW”, tick “gzipped” (3) and click the “OK” button. You will be prompted to download the file, once the backup process is completed.

Step 3: Restore site files

Take the backup.tar.gz file you created earlier, copy it under C:\wamp\www and extract it there. Now you should have a directory C:\Hosting Space\www\site which contains all your site’s files.

Step 4:Edit site files–

1) Configuration.php

This file should be located at C:\Hosting Space\www\site\configuration.php. Once you locate the file, look for the following lines:

$mosConfig_absolute_path = ‘/home/site’;
$mosConfig_cachepath = ‘/home/.user/site/cache’;
$mosConfig_host = ‘’;
$mosConfig_live_site = ‘’;
$mosConfig_password = ‘your_database_password’;
$mosConfig_user = ‘your_database_username’;

Please change these lines to:

$mosConfig_absolute_path = ‘C:/Hosting Space/www/site’;
$mosConfig_cachepath = ‘C:/Hosting Space/www/site/cache’;
$mosConfig_host = ‘localhost’;
$mosConfig_live_site = ‘http://localhost/site’;
$mosConfig_password = ”;
$mosConfig_user = ‘root’;

Then, Save and exit.

2) .htaccess

This file should be located at C:\Hosting Space\www\site\.htaccess. Open it with wordpad or notepad and change:

# RewriteBase / toRewriteBase /site

Press Save and exit.

Step 5:Restore MySQL database

To restore MySQL database- Open phpMyAdmin and Click import.

Here click the browse button and find the file you created before.

Finally click “Go” and Wait for a few minutes. The database will be imported.

We hope this Article proves to be helpful. In case of any query, please feel free to contact Team WIPL.

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